• Question: do you work long hours and enjoy it

    Asked by amie to Chris, Holly, Lyd, Mark, Michael on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Holly Miller

      Holly Miller answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      My usually working hours are 7am until 3.30pm so not too long. I do sometimes work extra in the evening. During the launch of a new car we may be asked to work over the weekend or through the night but that’s not too often. I really enjoy my job and think the working hours are really good. Finishing earlier in the day leaves more time to do things in the evening 🙂
      I hope this answers your question!

    • Photo: Mark Dougherty

      Mark Dougherty answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      I work from 08:00 to 16:30 most days, however, sometimes I have to work in the middle of the night. We have to work around factory schedules so if I want to do an experiment at short notice I might have to come in at the weekend or late at night!

      Sometimes I have to travel to different countries too and fly in the evening but I am always allowed this time back so it is ok 🙂

    • Photo: Michael Sulu

      Michael Sulu answered on 20 Nov 2015:

      I generally work from 9-5 but sometimes I need to be in the lab late at night, but I normally only do that a few times till i know i have successfully automated a process!
