• Question: has anything every threatened your life while making it?

    Asked by Jasmin Graham to Chris, Holly, Lyd, Mark, Michael on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Dougherty

      Mark Dougherty answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      No, luckily we have to take safety really seriously!

      I work in research and development and we have small scale lab where we can test things out so if anything does go wrong it will happen in there and the worst thin that can come out of it would be to get covered in ketchup 🙂

    • Photo: Michael Sulu

      Michael Sulu answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      Like Mark we also take safety very seriously so the most dangerous things we have are compressed gas cylinders, if they break they are like rockets, but the only ones that have ever broken have been empty ones that have fallen over while changing them!
