• Question: How has public policy impacted a project you’ve worked on?

    Asked by jakee to Chris, Holly, Lyd, Mark, Michael on 12 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Michael Sulu

      Michael Sulu answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      Jakee – This is a very good question!

      I work in a university, so public policy kind of impacts every single project I work on.
      We get funded by the government, via the research councils, but they make decisions on what research should be done based on what they think society needs which is directed by public policy.

    • Photo: Mark Dougherty

      Mark Dougherty answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      The thing that impacts us the most is policies on salt and sugar in food. We have to reduce it and replace with something else so our food is more safe.

      This means lots of experiemtns using cool new ingredients! It’s really fun to research something like this becuase it will make everyone healthier!
