• Question: what is your dream

    Asked by yusuf to Chris, Holly, Lyd, Mark, Michael on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Dougherty

      Mark Dougherty answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      We buy a lot of tomatoes from the USA to be used in ketchup and beans. I would love to move out there and be involved with the groiwng of tomatoes.

      I find it really interesting how the growing conditions effect how we make beans in the UK and I would love to work for a massive tomato grower!

      If I win I will donate the 500 pounds to a STEM project that will teach kids how tomatoes are grown on a large scale… there is a tomato grower near my old school and I would arrange trips to see how it works!

    • Photo: Michael Sulu

      Michael Sulu answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      I dont really have one, i just work to stay happy! i just want to be able to spend my life enjoying the things i do! and helping people.
